>>2719301>>2719280>The mortality rate of head injuries by slaughterer’s guns is around 60% and depends primarily on the location and penetrationof the bolt into the brain [15,21,22]. Generally these injuries cause an immediate loss of consciousness and if no vital structures are damaged (major blood vessels, brain stem) late death, usually due to infection complications, or survival with medium-high grade of handicap occurring.
>Cardiac and respiratory centers (midbrain, medulla and pons) were not damaged. This means that after the shot, the victim was still alive and, as demonstrated by the acute pulmonary emphysema, by the skin and muscular hemorrhages of the hanging mark as well as by the presence of Simon’s hemorrhages [25], the death was caused by strangulation.Bolt guns are a terrible way to kill yourself or someone else. The bolt can't to tumble like a bullet would so it just puts a neat cylindrical hole in the brain, leaving the victim at great risk of surviving with a disability.
>also OP should see a psychiatrist and sort himself out