>>2732983that was the point.
You see, the mods, and the shitposters on /pol/ were at odds with each other.
The shitposters wanted to shitpost shit but fun threads, the mods wanted a political board(thats pro kike) This was increased especially after the /mlpol/ incidents.
So /bant/ came into existance. Its idea was a /pol/ but for shitposting, and that's what it was, for the first day, then hordes of newfags came in and started to post about useless crap, then in the first week, as the ammount of newfags increased, post speeds crashed, due to all the /pol/acks leaving home.
>>2733007Never said that, i myself browse obscure chans with slow post speeds, but, the post speeds show the ammount of people using the site.
/bant/ started with high post speeds, but they crashed couple days later. And they keep getting lower, indicating that people are leaving the board