>>2744544I only saw some radnom AT episodes online a few years back. Looked like a good kid's show, that's it.
I saw the first season of Bob's Burger then got bored. It was certainly not offensive but I don't think it was ever marketted as a kid's cartoon. I meant SP-tier as in it was adult comedy. Meh, guess my definition is broader than yours
Well, even as a kid I remember Transformers being fucking boring ass shit, so it is a bad thing
Haha what a faggot you took the b8. I hate Moeshit more than I hate kid's cartoons, at least kid's cartoons are made for children, moeshit is made for manchildren. I really don't get the appeal of watching those 3 shows you mentioned, they are just boring imo BUT I still slightly dig Donald Duck comics (probably nostalgia) so I'm not the one to talk.