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The eternal Amerimutt shouts abuse as he calls you not white.

No.2746111 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So why can there be Nigger hate threads but not Amerimutt hate threads? We can all agree that the extinction of the white race is due to in large part The United Mutts of Amerimongerls? Let me elaborate.

>Be (((Amerimutt)))
>start (((revolution))) for (((money)))
>have (((capitalism)))
>child labour for (((big business)))
>talk about (((equality)))
>kill fellow countrymen for (((Niggers)))
>join in world war one and fight for the other (((capitalist))) countries
>even though world war one was justified
>blame proper white countries for the conflict
>get bombed for being indecisive cucks
>nuke Japan even though they could've won the war without doing so
>Jews fear the Samurai and Viking alliance
>most based races
>help the (((Allies))) destroy our last white chance
>allow (((Communists))) to control half of Europe
>start (((Cold War)))
>(((arms race))) begins
>(((shekels))) are going in many of pockets due to such a conflict
>become step-parent to (((Israel)))
>allow (((Israel))) to run ruff shot around the world, implementing world plan for domination
>start unless (((proxy wars))) and kill innocents around the world in the name of (((democracy)))

>current year
>middle east destabilized for generations to come
>(((Europe))) is over run with shit skins
>(((Amerimutt Land))) now 60% white
>(((immigration))) at a all time high
>(((cars of peace))) now a norm in many parts of the world
>permante (((Halloween masks))) given to many of innocent whites
>(((interracial marriage))) now a all time high in western countries
>(((Israel))) the last true bastion of Ethno-Nationalism
>Thanks Amerimutts.jpg

What do we do about this /pol/? How do we help these lost Amerimutts?