Sell all devices you use to browse 4chan and watch anime. Use the money to buy relatively nice clothes. Got money for a razor and shaving cream? Shave. Shower. Put on deodorant. How much do you weigh? A lot? Exercise. Use the nice clothes to get a job. Whatever you can get. Some money is better than no money. Save as much money as possible. Don't feel like you have to spend every penny you get. Saving money is good. Try to sustain yourself. Pay for a bit of food, get a gym membership if you can afford it. Work out. Lose weight. Get strong enough to at least go about your day normally. Stick to it no matter how shitty you feel when you do it. It WILL pay off. Save money for a bicycle. Use it. Learn to cook. Try to find higher paying jobs. The job market is tough. You need to be persistent. You'll get a lot of no's. That's normal. Everyone does. With your higher pay, look for cheap places to live. Not a place shitty, you'll get jumped. Move in. Work. I'm sure by this point you'll figure out the rest, it's self explanatory.