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No.2785324 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So, my otherwise red-pilled, conservative, race realist family recently found out that my older sister is a race traitor, and, after much argumentation, she is bringing her black boyfriend, who she kept secret for the past 5 years, to Thanksgiving dinner this year. He's well educated, from a wealthy, well-educated family, his parents are still together, and he's not at all "ghetto" in mannerisms, speech, or dress...but he's still black, which doesn't sit well with my family.

I know some of you would suggest that I cut all ties with my sister, but I would never do that. You're worse than niggers if you'd do that to your own clan.

My real question is, assuming she goes in to marry this guy, which it looks like she probably will, how do I raise my kids properly without my sister's mixed race family setting a bad example? Luckily my white wife is red-pilled and sees eye to eye with me on this and all other matters, and I was always planning on having the "You can be friends with /respect minorities in school, but we don't accept romantic relationships/marriage with them" talk with my kids when they were old enough to understand, but this thing with my sister sort of throws a wrench in that. How do I raise a proud, Aryan family without causing a deeper rift in my clan?