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Annon the Tsar

ID:Hbjmr8N+ No.2787826 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hello, I would like to tell a grand story.
Part I Birth of a Tsar
>Be me
>6th grade
>Is in shitty middle school
>Start calling a kid out for harassing my friend
>Gets into fist fight
>I am placed is ISS (In-school suspension)
>Intercom booms over room
> Principal announces student goverment
> noattention.jpeg
> “This shall be any type of government you students want without teacher interference”
>Go home
>I am a huge history nerd so I know a lot of government types
>Spend all night pro coming every one till I get down to monarchy
>Now what to call my monarchy
>Tsardom of Annon
>Tsar Annon the First
>Sounds fucking awesome
>I have 3 Brothers all a few grade levels lower so I can pass of the title to them
>Assemble friends
>We talk to principal
>He approves us
>Fuck yes
>I get a office as school Tsar
>Still have to do projects and work
What could go wrong with having a Tsar instead of a council or presidency