[11 / 5 / ?]
>be faggot
>1st week of new board on 4chan (rare opportunity)
>spam shitty, shitty ms paint pictures over and over
>this time, it will be me who creates the memes! haha! i will be a memer god!
>nobody reposts them ever
>f-fucking newfags why won't they repost my hastily drawn shit? don't they know i posted it constantly so it's a meme now?
>faggot begins to panic
>is he not actually an epic memelord? was it all for nothing
>no, never.
>faggot continues to spam same mspaint image for months
>faggot screams at innocent userbase; FUCKING NEWFAG! FUCKING WEEB! THIS IS A MEME! THIS IS A MEME!
and so ended the sad tale of bantplant/literally 8 other stupid fucking things. lets have a moment's silence.
>1st week of new board on 4chan (rare opportunity)
>spam shitty, shitty ms paint pictures over and over
>this time, it will be me who creates the memes! haha! i will be a memer god!
>nobody reposts them ever
>f-fucking newfags why won't they repost my hastily drawn shit? don't they know i posted it constantly so it's a meme now?
>faggot begins to panic
>is he not actually an epic memelord? was it all for nothing
>no, never.
>faggot continues to spam same mspaint image for months
>faggot screams at innocent userbase; FUCKING NEWFAG! FUCKING WEEB! THIS IS A MEME! THIS IS A MEME!
and so ended the sad tale of bantplant/literally 8 other stupid fucking things. lets have a moment's silence.