[7 / 3 / ?]
>Doesn't fuck traps
Are you gay, mentally handicapped or both?
>b-but it's degenerate
And? Was life a contest about who sucks the least dick?
>it's gay!!!
It's not, as long as you don't have sex with actual men and you prevent the balls from touching
>it's... IT'S PAINFUL!!!
Who forces you to get fucked in the ass every time? fucking peat gavel
>Doesn't fuck traps
Are you gay, mentally handicapped or both?
>b-but it's degenerate
And? Was life a contest about who sucks the least dick?
>it's gay!!!
It's not, as long as you don't have sex with actual men and you prevent the balls from touching
>it's... IT'S PAINFUL!!!
Who forces you to get fucked in the ass every time? fucking peat gavel