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File: Captura de tela de 2017-1(...).png (524 KB, 831x634)
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Anonymous (ID: ZbscD0Q9) 11/08/17(Wed)11:05:43 No.148529051▶>>148529539 >>148530231 >>148530274 >>148530743 >>148531022 >>148531176 >>148531199 >>148531232 >>148531270 >>148531305 >>148531771 >>148532238 >>148532240
>wake up
>go to work
>check news
>day ruined
We are at a verge of a world war, and no one exactly know why. Seriously, why NATO countries are felling threaten by Russia?
Anonymous (ID: 1iu4diaX) 11/08/17(Wed)11:13:50 No.148529539▶>>148530078
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>>148529051 (OP)
Why would something sensible ruin your day? There's no reason why the civilian side of society shouldn't be prepared for war and emergency situations, or for bridges to not have pre-drilled holes for rapid demolition.
Anonymous (ID: ZbscD0Q9) 11/08/17(Wed)11:22:36 No.148530078▶>>148532143
I simple don't get way.
I have being reading news from different sources for the last 3 yeas (RT, Al Jazeera, BBC, SCMP) and i don't see any reason why start a arms race. Sure, there was Crimea crisis (which i totally side with Russia).