The beard of a woman
The sound of a cat's paw
The roots of a mountain
The sinews of a bear
The breath of a fish
The spittle of a bird
The eye of a 2d waifu
The white tooth of a Brit
The sanitized hands of an Indian
The liver of a sober Russian
The foreskin of a Jew
The intelligence of an American
The relevance of New Zealand
The dog of a Chinese
The humor of a German
The spine of Frenchman
The food off a Cuban's dish
The immorality of Hitler's actions
The appeal of Traps
The existence of God
The cringe in owning a Katana
The "lose" in YLYL
A good thread on /b/
A good English dub
A good tasting beer
A reason to not like anime
Proof for anthropogenic climate change
Proof for Evolution
A shred of credibility from Alex Jones
A person sad about the death of homosexuals
The immorality in executing homosexuals
Crystal Pepsi
An unattractive pedophile
A person who can appreciate the aesthetic in the Canadian flag
A person who'd willingly accept a blood transfusion from an Arab
An intelligent remark by Neil DeGrasse Tyson
A funny video or drop of Charisma FilthyFrank, h3h3, Idubbbz, IHE, maxmoefoe, Dunkey, or JonTron
BuzzBlasts cereal
Atop a sheet of Kosher Salt, draw two intersecting 4-sided triangles with the blood of a frog(s), and gather your ingredients in the center.
Crisscross applesauce. Recite the Navy Seal copypasta 1000 times to finish the incantation.