Dogs are excellent tools, they are essily trained to do all kinds of shit that men don't want to do (sniff for bombs, drag niggers out of the bushes, retrieve ducks you've hunted, etc). However, as pets dogs are shit-tier.
Dogs require almost non-stop attention, and not just affection. You gotta feed them, take them out constantly, walk them, play with them, scoop their shit up, etc. When you own a dog it's difficult to go on trips or vacation, so you're stuck with boardin them or paying someone to come over several times a day to look after them because they are too stupid to survive long periods alone.
Dogs are a massive resource drain as well. Dog food, toys, vet bills, plus your valuable time and effort. Yes, they provide companionship and affection but they definitely don't return as much as they consume. If you're going to put all this effort out you should just have a few white children instead and at least contribute to your race.
So what's the best pet? Cats, of course. Cats are far more intelligent than dogs, consume far fewer resources, require much less upkeep, and provide equal or better companionship. Cats are a thinking person's pet. They are capable of feeding themselves, are easily trained to take themselves to the bathroom, and can be left for several days on their own if you need to go somewhere. Cats are just as playful, but you don't need to take them outside when the snow is up to your balls to do it. Plus, cats are excellent hunters and even the laziest, most useless cat will still keep your home rodent-free. Cats bathe themselves and don't require constant grooming, and are highly portable.
Keep cats as your pet, use dogs as tools.
Oh, and sage goes in all fields on these shitty slide threads.