>>2916362gym is for gaining muscle which can be pretty slow at first and can lead to weight loss if your diet isn't right, if you want to gain weight you need to be strict and count calories by weighing everything you eat and comparing it to the nutritional information label
you can't half ass it and estimate how much you're eating either because you're underweight and you'll likely overestimate how much you're eating just like how chronically fat people underestimate how much they eat, speaking anecdotally I've known skeletors that try to pass off being on a 5-6k calorie olympian athlete tier diet for months and claiming they don't gain weight and it only happens because they try to estimate how much they're eating by huge margains, as far as protein goes though you only need to worry about it if you're bodybuilding and hit a lull - it's important but you need to work it into a decent high calorie diet, calories in calories out and all that
but you're not that underweight, it shouldn't take long before you get to a decent weight for your height, just don't think you can't gain weight because of genetics, there's very few conditions that prevent you from gaining fat and even if that were the case you can still gain muscle although it's much slower
>>2916515bmi is aimed towards "average" fitness/bodyfat levels and doesn't scale too well with height, if you don't exercise or bodybuild at that weight you'll be more overweight than it's suggesting but being that tall means you'll probably carry that weight better than shorter people will, but if you do exercise and bodybuild and are muscular with little bodyfat it's going to say you're far more overweight than you actually are, it's a shitty figure but if you understand its limitations it can be pretty useful, pic somewhat related