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ID:zLD8xAz8 No.2959471 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I have understood that the majority of you, fine /bant/ers, are in fact such wimps that you have not even dared to watch a single anime. During recess you stand in the circle, with your hands in your pockets, believing that you fit in. But, you’re frozen in fear like a sheep surrounded by wolves. You check your phone too see if anyone has replied to your shitpost. Hah!

On top of that you come here every night crying about how you can't get a girlfriend. Has it never occurred to you that the problem might be your “ironic or lack of weeb-ness? I don't even want to fuck with you human trash, only to explain how pathetic it is to miss out on these fantastic cartoons. Watching anime is a lot more entertaining and meaningful than shitposting your worthless life away with others you believe are your “friends”.

I actually had to quit anime because of the amount of pussy I received became too much for my sexual virility. Even my wife lost her nerves when the balcony door was constantly being battered by girls (both 2D and 3D) with desires to suck my cock. The situation was reminiscent of a zombie invasion, but instead of brains the girls were shouting ”Cock! Cock!” The funniest part is that I live on the sixth floor so the girls indeed climbed the rain gutter straight to our balcony. Now that I've gotten rid of animes I only get 3D pussy, which comes a couple of times a week and my life is now considerably much easier.

My face when I watch Cowboy Bebop. Fucking pussies, anime is one of the greatest pleasures in life and an excellent stress reliever. I've been watching these Chinese cartoons for six years and received no drawbacks. Watching anime is alpha as fuck and it proves that you're no coward.