>>2980755>Women can carry knivesEven with a weapon there's a big difference between the strength of men and women.
Women tend to not know how to fight. It's not just physical difference that makes men more dangerous, it's mental too. Men evolved to fight and this lead to mental differences as well.
When a man attacks you he probably has a plan. It already played out in his head. He has to win this. Because if he loses, in nature, he'd probably die.
When it's a woman she probably has no idea what she's doing. She just got mad. In nature she'd probably just get raped. Unless some other men join in the fight. Or the rape. Women can be surprisingly reckless and that's probably because they can only usefully fight as part of a group (so the strategy is to overwhelm).
Anyway these are just tendencies. You're right women can still be very dangerous. If they pull out a knife better treat them as a man.