>>2981871Not trying to be that concieted faggot, but I do historical recreation a lot. Not REENACTMENT mind you, recreation. Trying to get to the core scholary sources and actually re-do it the way they would have.
Obviously the biggest part of understanding what they did is figuring out how they did it. To gain a deeper understanding of how you gotta find out WHY.
The certainly were very advanced but ya gotta keep in mind they were still incredibly limited in things like metallurgy and other key technological aspects we take forgranted. For instance thier steel was only just bareley steel, it was soft, rusted very easily, and tended to bend easily. They didnt have stirrups, and roman bows were hardly even good for hunting. They preferred javelins and never cpuld figure out how to make compound bows.
Romans were also kinda lazy, instead of inventing new shit they often relied on doing stuff the same way they always had and hiring foreigners to do stuff they hadnt figured out yet for them. For instance, instead of figuring out how to laminate layers and make powerful recurve bows they just hired archers from conquered tribes who knew how.
In a way thier self assured superiority prevented them from discovering a lot of stuff because why bother? Im a big noble civilized roman, why should I learn shit about archery when I can just toss a bag of silver bits at some filthy savages we conquered 200 years ago to do it for me?
This is why theyd go some place like parthage and get fist fucked by tiny little guys on tiny little horses who simply refused to engage in direct combat. Instead they just used thier powerful little recurve bows to harass columns on the march, turn around and fire a parting salvo the moment the romans formed up for battle, then run away.