Quoted By:
The Sanhedrin program is backed by the
money lords of the world. The Rothschilds were
behind it from the beginning. They backed Herzl
The Rockefellers and others of great wealth in all
countries, followed' suit. Lven directors of the
great world utilities monopoly Sofina, were com-
pelled to go along for war after their man Cham-
berlain was forced out of the prime ministership
of Great Britain in 1940. Chamberlain wanted to
preserve peace in Europe.
Why is the Sanhedrin so powerful? Because
it has accumulated a vast store of wealth and be
cause in their madness for world power, its mem-
bers stop at nothing. Many prominent persons in
the United States who opposed them program, died
suddenly. The Protocols say we will exterminate
those who oppose us; they will die as if from na-
tural causes.
When will this world madness end? When the
people realize what is going and end it, or, when
there is no one left who dare oppose the San-
hedrin. The Protocols refer to all persons as
“subjects” under Sanhedrin rule and they refer to
Christians (Goyim) as cattle. Civilization has
circled the globe and reached its highest point in
our time and in our country. A long period of
darkness will follow, the same as followed the
murder of Jesus, unless we prevent it. Corrup-
tion has again reached its lowest depth.