Okay, real talk. Here's what made /bant/ into a gay shithole.
>board was created
>/jp/ and /a/ autismos started spamming Cirno
>Cirno spam got them gets
>spammed Cirno even more
>the Cirno spam converted the average /bant/icoot to liking anime, thus inviting more /jp/ and /a/ fags
>anime is now being spammed alongside Cirno
>the Cirno spam started diminishing when more varieties of anime were spammed
>eventually, Felix and Xylitol whatever were both being spammed, thus contaminating /bant/ with the trap virus.
>naturally, the average lonely horny /bant/icoot started masturbating to hentai of the traps that were being spammed
>the /bant/icoots now embrace their faggotry and started getting friendly with other faggy /bant/icoots
>once two fags start being friendly to one another, they almost-instantly lust each other and become obnoxious about their faggotry.
>the faggotry compels other gay /bant/icoots to participate in gay lewd RPs
In conclusion, this faggotry outbreak has been caused by animefags and Cirnofags. If y'all were as moderate as Tunisia-kun with his patrician Ghibli tastes, we wouldn't be in this mess. Now, if you'll excuse me, I am obliged to say that I no longer give a damn.