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[11 / 5 / ?]

ID:9Pi7KZKu No.2991315 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Predictions for the future of this board:

>be /bant/icoot
>lurk for about 2 years

What happens in 2 years time:

>trap posters post more rampantly
>anime posting goes up rampantly
>cirnofags thrive in the new environment
>slowjak posters fight back and rampantly counter-shitpost to hold all the animefags back
>board is locked into a civil war
>shitposting becomes similar to trench warfare on the western front with all posts in bump deadlock from all the spam
>anons who came here hoping for a good mix of /int/ and /b/ leave by the masses, leaving much space for /a/nimefags and /jp/issheads to move in
>slowjak posters give up and leave
>porn and hentai spam becomes more rampant
>mods give up like they did in /b/
>50% of the board is porn spam
>50% is anime spam
>cirnofags, trap posters and animefags in general see they've succeeded in turning this board into shit
>they see there's no point in spamming their posts anymore
>cirnofags,trap posters, and animefags start to leave
>70% of posts in this board is porn
>this increases over the next few months
>any anons who dare to step in here will run like hell when they realize...


It's /b/ but worse!

>/bant/ gets taken down, and cannot be accessed directly
>/bant/ merges with /trash/
>/bant/ is /trash/
>new board is created exclusively for anime shitposting
>/b/ and /int/ are seriously considered again
>this board eventually gets a worse reputation than Zimbabwe

You just fucking watch.
>Inb4 "b--but iz anmie weebsite and ghey iz ok XDDXxdddxxdDD