>be me
>since 7 years up to high school
>have a cute female colleague
>constantly and relentlessly bully her
>we're good friends
>make her feel like she's a piece of shit
>then be really friendly to her like we're just fooling round
>she cries a lot because of me
>she always feels worthless because of me
>psychologically permanent scars because of me
>I go to college, we part ways
>don't really keep in touch
>heard she's married, has a child
>good for her, you know
>many years pass
>I'm a journalist (and a good one btw)
>I accidentally heard she's into politics
>check it out
>she's the mayor of a nearby small town
>that's cool I guess
>check some of my sources out of curiosity
>corruption everywhere
>she has no idea what she's doing
>she might even go to jail as a scapegoat
>mfw I realise might be partially my fault
>she'll be fine I hope, what can you do
>last year
>half her staff is under investigation
>lots of fired people
>she's totally fine
>she came out on top, as a hero
>mfw I realise she's the most corrupted of them all
>sneaky bastard