They clain to be all for multiculturalism but instead discriminate against white people, and when they are confronted that they are contradicting themselves they say that "oh that can't be true, racism against whites don't exist." Even the people that are not as far in the left don't even acknowledge the far left, they completely ignore it. The media is also spread with liberal bullshit, making almost the whole internet itself an echo chamber for these upper-middle faggots that do nothing but browse reddit or tumblr instead of doing anything for themselves, leeching off of their parents' hard earned money for some stupid liberal arts degree that is going to be useless. And they blame all who are not perfectly ideogically aligned with them like some fucking key for a lock as nazis or white supremacists, even corrupting children's minds as they consume the media, fake news, all that bullshit. The left are full of hypocrites, actual true racists, and perceive themselves as good, doubling down on everything even though there are multiple incidents where the left are actually worse than the right.