[18 / 7 / ?]
>tfw you’re actually gay and sick of gayposters
>tfw it’s not about the gay
>tfw it’s not even about the attention whoring
It’s entirely about the fact that there are always higher quality threads when you post your one dimensional shit. You, just like all shitposters, are slowly killing more amusing, engaging, and overall higher quality threads
>why don’t you bump those threads
I do, but eventually there comes a point where, if I bump spammed, it would lower the quality of the thread
>internet is serious business
You want me to apologize for being a humble person? Or should I apologize for finding actual banter, oc, or just genuinely funny shit more worth my time?
>you being mad is genuinely funny to me
If I was mad I’d understand, but I’m just trying to make you understand. There’s funny shitposts that actually put forth effort, and then there’s the tier of cancer that killed /b/. It’s a good thing there’s no porn dumps on /bant/, but you guys are pretty close to that level of cancer. I just want you to try more. That’s all I ask
>tfw it’s not about the gay
>tfw it’s not even about the attention whoring
It’s entirely about the fact that there are always higher quality threads when you post your one dimensional shit. You, just like all shitposters, are slowly killing more amusing, engaging, and overall higher quality threads
>why don’t you bump those threads
I do, but eventually there comes a point where, if I bump spammed, it would lower the quality of the thread
>internet is serious business
You want me to apologize for being a humble person? Or should I apologize for finding actual banter, oc, or just genuinely funny shit more worth my time?
>you being mad is genuinely funny to me
If I was mad I’d understand, but I’m just trying to make you understand. There’s funny shitposts that actually put forth effort, and then there’s the tier of cancer that killed /b/. It’s a good thing there’s no porn dumps on /bant/, but you guys are pretty close to that level of cancer. I just want you to try more. That’s all I ask