>>3035442This kind of mindset is passive defeatism.
“It’s ok when white women idolise and fuck niggers, because when they do they’re coal burners and so not white so it is no loss”
This would be like a general waging war against another country and saying “it’s ok that our soldiers and civilians are getting killed. Those who die were too weak to defend themselves do it is no loss to lose them. “
In both cases this kind of passive , cuck attitude would reassure you that everything is fine right up until every single white women was taken or every single oldies was killed.
The fact that the rate of coal burning is increasing dramatically shows you how retarded your position is.
60 years ago virtually all of these women will have gone on to contribute to and further the white race. They aren’t now because they are being taught otherwise by Jewish propaganda and brainwashing .
So acting like the ones who coal burn were all along ones that are bad for the white race is clearly stupid. The families they came from were clearly good enough for the white race 60 years ago. They still were good today until Jewish degeneracy corrupted them.
So get rid of the passive , resentful, cuck mindset that tries to reassure you that it’s ok that increasing numbers of niggers are fucking whites. Instead have an active mindset to counter Jewish propaganda