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Redpill thread

ID:ERj9oWAa No.3077010 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Take your redpills.
This thread is for posting redpills
I will start.
>9/11 was an inside job.
>The nazis were the good guys.
>The media really is fake/manipulated.
>Education has been hijacked and corrupted.
>Almost everything you are told about everything is a lie.
>Pornography is engineered in order to manipulate the behavior of the public.
>Fluoride is neurotoxic.
>Deep State Killed JFK.
>USA, EU still supports terrorism.
>Refugee crisis is to shift voting demographics of European peoples.
>Greek debt crisis was engineered by the EU to create a vassal state.
>Ukraine civil war was started by EU/USA.
>Hitler did nothing wrong.
>Putin did nothing wrong.
>Trump did nothing wrong.
>Assad did nothing wrong.
>Jewish elite wants communist one world government with centralized resource control.
>2008 global financial crisis was started by Rothschild et al on purpose.
>Global warming is mostly a scam.
>Anti-white propaganda in USA is a thing.
>Bush knew there are no WMD's in Iraq.
>Zionist mafia really think goyim are inferior and must serve them.
>Internet/entertainment media is designed to keep us dumb.
>Muh Russia is a DNC-crafted lie.
>DNC did Seth Rich.
>Sandy Hook actually probably didn't happen, gun control agitprop.
>Illuminati is real, globalist supermafia formed from the top echelon of elite banker mafias of all nations.
>Bilderberg Group is a subset of Illuminati.
>Global elite blackmail network of luciferians, satanists, pedos, cannibals, many celebrities, leaders and influential people are members.
>Google is massive supercookie and data analytical company assisting the globalist supermafia.
>MK ULTRA happened and subsequent programs are ongoing.