>>30786971. Britain has lost its entire empire in the most pathetic possible way, constantly losing skirmish after skirmish while the queen continues to rot in her gold cage like the grotesk zoo animal that she is, only to be displayed to the tourist masses for cheap change.
2. Britain has throughout history always been the cunt. Reason for entering WW1? "fuck you all". Reason for entering WW2? "fuck youuuu Germany"
British people are possibly the most assholish people on the planet, right in front of the americans.
3. Does Britain actually *do* anything other than continue to fuck up over and over again? Britain is the slave state of the USA, constantly being belittled by big brother who they once owned.
4. The british language is the snobbiest possible way to talk english. Australian, New Zealand, american.. all absolutely fine ways to talk.
But no, the brits just have to talk like total cunts.
5. Pic related is the TYPICAL british person. I know usually I just say this for fun but this is *ACTUALLY* the typical, average brit. Yes, they are that pathetic and disgusting.
I would be ashamed to walk the streets of London, knowing full well that every breath I take is only by the grace of my american masters who continue to allow me to breathe fresh air