>>3161375I don't want one. All other very real obstacles aside, I don't want a relationship. I don't want to put all that work in, and it's work, don't kid yourself. I don't want to spend that money. I don't want to concern myself with things like hygiene any more than I already do. I don't want to fucking deal with being presentable, any more than I already have to do. I don't want to keep the house clean. I don't want to shave my balls. I don't want to compete with every nigger who cares way more about getting laid than I care about my entire god damned existence.
I don't want it, don't want that girlfriend. Truth be told, my "soul mate" is probably as disgusting, crazy and ugly as me, and frankly I have higher standards than that, too.
So, I'll stay single, probably forever, because something broke up in my head years ago and very suddenly I couldn't possibly fucking care about sex, any more. I'm content to jerk off and not be bothered by how appealing or not appealing I am to some bitch I've dumped more money on than a prostitute, and spent more time with than I spend on myself.
I like being alone. Fuck it. God damn, fuck it. I know a lot of you anons are like this, too, you don't REALLY want it, and one day your sex drive isn't going to be able to keep tricking your brain.
Embrace the suck. It's your lot in life.