>>3175231Blacks are more likely to commit crime. this is truth
Blacks do poorer in school on average. this is truth
Blacks are more likely to be lower class. This is truth
Businesses are required by law to go out of thier way to hire blacks. This is truth
Universities accept blacks with lower grades on average than they accept whites. This is truth.
Blacks are given tax breaks and grants if they start a bussiness. This is truth.
Blacks are given special assistance in school and are given scholarships just for being black. This is truth.
Yet somehow the first 3 remain true. So if I assume that getting an education and starting a bussiness is the best way to end poverty and poverty is the cause of the disproportionate crime stats (as it has been proven over and over it is) then yes I can make generilzations about a culture, and those generalization are that black are given more opportunities to succeed and don't, and it is my opinion that this is a lack of effort on thier part.