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Ive found gold

ID:UZ53Sbag No.3177417 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Ive stumbled upon schizophrenic gold, /bant/

Have you heard of Steven Joseph Christopher?
He was just shilling himself on /pol/ an hour ago,

Heres a basic gestalt on him.
>crazy lisped redneck on the internet
>posts insane rambling videos on his youtube account
>has a group of a few disciples who believe hes literally the messiah
>claims to be god
>has a website where he wants people to tattoo themselves with this schizophrenic mark he drew
>laughs at flat earthers
>laughs at round earthers
>believes in the advanced theory of the convex earth
>the earth is like a kinder egg and we’re on the inside of it looking toward the center
>believes that all of space is contained in a glass ball at the center of said kinder egg
>btfo’s athiests
>btfo’s theists
>btfo’s deists
>once was arrested due to a plot to assasinate obongo
>is a chad
>has a gf he calls “missterri babylon”
>is the worlds greatest lolcow
Seriously check out his insanity.
Heres a link to his youtube channel and videos. He reminds me of a more sly terry davis.
We need to dig deeper