>>3187586>asians/white have different genetic backgroundthis is definitly true but not down to homosapien/neanderthalis/gigantopithacus
everyone over 16 knows the races are different in more ways than color. but the non cosmetic differences are negligable and cannot be generalised what so ever. I cant cite this at the moment but average brain mass (not volume) has been determined to be the same for any race within a 1st world enviorment, minus inuits (larger brain mass but lol their ice tribes) and aboriginees (smaller, to no ones suprise.) .
>black cultureyes black culture is absolute shit and the way the american media praises it is exactly why black americans are trapped in poverty. Its their shitty mothers and culture that do this to them, theres no dna strains reading "nigga" under the microscope.
black/white equality in the us and the world died with W.E.B. Du bois. the goverment took away incentive for black people to prove themselves capable back when they were starting to, and bam. jazz, harlem art dies out and goes right into the history books and 40 years later they post on facebook about their egyption heritage making all black people royal niggas by birthright. The communists may apear weak and stupid, but they all ways seem to be winning in the long haul.
>>3187587>prison gangs say otherwisethe evidence is already in your post. prison gangs. they're in prison because society deems them incapable of funtioning alongside normal folk. (for the most part). those are the shitters. same woth poor black people. they are poor and their single mother tells them its the white mans fault. its their heritage, not their skin color. skinheads were 99% poor meth heads up until 2017 came around.now its about 97%.
my original point is that black people raised and taught to be italian mobsters have the skill and pride of italian mobsters. the color of their skin and their bone structure and eye size all revolve around their ancestors battles with sunlight.