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Annons Story Time

ID:nSmNEGX7 No.3195722 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Be me
>age is 14
>around 2014
>I was in a computer lab doing Typetolearn
>MFW i am a god at the mini sub game
>Cow of a teacher starts walking over
>She starts yelling at me for not doing a good job at one project
>I have a B+ in class
>Fat teacher walks out of room
>She doesn't come back for 15 minutes
>Decide to look at desktop computer
>Browse around in files
>shitty projects, common core bs,
>come along to folder that says private
>Open folder
>Its a video
>Play it
>holy fucking shit its hardcore BDSM porn
>Downloaded it onto flash drive
>Get out a random computer
>Hack my way into admin acc
>Take over whole school announcement T.Vs and smartboards
>”Please stand by for an important message”
>That vid plays through whole school
>I could hear the moans down the hall
>Laughing my ass off
>look into hallway and see fat bitch
>Mfw i've become wikileaks
>20 minutes later
>At lunch
>everyone is in a tizzy and talking about today's “announcement”
>Me and nerd friends and Kyle (Remember him) gathered up and were talking
>I confessed to them
>”N-no way… the admission should have seen you”
>told them about the open file and teachers computer with me on the server
>They treated me as a fucking god
>we were the tech club kids and were great with computers
>Make a group, we were the payday gang (Yes we all loved the game and we did name us after the videogame
>Our hacking spree has just begun...