[15 / 4 / ?]
>Be me
>just got to college
>little community College, but ok in some perspective
>first day of Coding Class
>Teacher roll calling and shit
>Class has 3 nig Nog's and a handful of Indians (still okay though)
>gets nice and comfy in seat
>suddenly a smell of Bathroom mold, Tuna, and Feces walks in
>sees tard wrangler. In his 30's, but actually knows what he is doing. Thank god
> Wrangler explains situation to teacher
>Teacher brings in the tard and sits her next to me
>Smell is even worse now
>vomits in mouth a bit
>looks to the left and sees a mongrelized version of Gothmog from Return of the king
>Le 56% face Intesifies
>Grins at me with those dentures of seat and horror
>nervously smiles back (ohgodhelpme.jpeg)
>class begins promptly
>All is good for first 20 minutes
>feels something wet fro.... Oh god.
>Did she... Did she just piss on the floor?
>She just pissed on the floor
>and the stain from the chair stench in acidic rat carcass and expired cheese (not the imported kind either)
>Gives off cheesy potato grin like the potato she is
>Tard Wrangler and myself has to clean up from the incident
>While doing that, Gothmog just shitted on my chair. MY FUCKING CHAAAIIIRRR!
>loosing patients as I ask to move
>teacher declines
>40 minutes later and nothing has happened... Until now
>just got to college
>little community College, but ok in some perspective
>first day of Coding Class
>Teacher roll calling and shit
>Class has 3 nig Nog's and a handful of Indians (still okay though)
>gets nice and comfy in seat
>suddenly a smell of Bathroom mold, Tuna, and Feces walks in
>sees tard wrangler. In his 30's, but actually knows what he is doing. Thank god
> Wrangler explains situation to teacher
>Teacher brings in the tard and sits her next to me
>Smell is even worse now
>vomits in mouth a bit
>looks to the left and sees a mongrelized version of Gothmog from Return of the king
>Le 56% face Intesifies
>Grins at me with those dentures of seat and horror
>nervously smiles back (ohgodhelpme.jpeg)
>class begins promptly
>All is good for first 20 minutes
>feels something wet fro.... Oh god.
>Did she... Did she just piss on the floor?
>She just pissed on the floor
>and the stain from the chair stench in acidic rat carcass and expired cheese (not the imported kind either)
>Gives off cheesy potato grin like the potato she is
>Tard Wrangler and myself has to clean up from the incident
>While doing that, Gothmog just shitted on my chair. MY FUCKING CHAAAIIIRRR!
>loosing patients as I ask to move
>teacher declines
>40 minutes later and nothing has happened... Until now