>>3225265Your intervention was right and effective, but it came extremely late and only happened because of a strategic disaster, attacking Pearl Harbor and making another big enemy was retarded, Japan should have put all its effort into attacking the russian east, dividing their military by creating two fronts, instead they made a second front for their allies, I have no idea why Japan made such an overwhelmingly stupid decision, that's the opposite of "Divide and conquer", it's "Unite and get fucked".
You being the western front largely helped the russiand defeat germany and prevented an even longer war with even more casualties and an even larger communist world power, no doubt.
But it was the soviets who ultimately ended the war in europe, whose victory at Stalingrad posed the first great german loss, destroyed the german war morale and pretty much already decided the war.
The USA loaded the gun, they even helped aiming it. But the USSR pulled the trigger.
I guess it takes an authoritarian fanatic militarist to defeat an authoritarian fanatic militarist.
Stalin was a disastrous leader, while the Revolution probably was doomed to fail from the very beginning, he sure destroyed every effort made.
But someone like him was probably necessary to defeat the Nazis, had the Octoberrevolution not happened or had a somewhat moderate guy like Trotsky taken control, Russia probably wouldn't have been strong enough to survive the Blitzkrieg.
Guess every evil has its good sides.