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ITT: Bant helps me run my newly purchased motel

ID:38PK49DB No.3268048 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Good Sunday Afternoon /bant/.

I just bought this motel in Colorado and I need some people to help me run it. I have a few issues I need dealing with from the get go, so I want a dedicated and involved staff with a can-do attitude.

Start-up issues;
>I am not American and have never been to the United States
>I am banned from travelling outside of my home country
>I have never ran a motel
>I have never ran a business
>I have absolutely 0 vision for this business. I don't even know if motels are profitable in 2017
>I can't do computers, maths, accounting or even the most basic of business transactions
>under-experienced with the motel pimp game
>don't know any Jews

There may be more but these issues are the ones I want /bant/ to help me with. Many thanks