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[71 / 19 / ?]


ID:vqhYQoqQ No.3274627 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Time for the general election to elect reps to the /bant/ government:
>what is the /bant/ gov?
In /bant/ Government we autistically roleplay a real government, campaign for parties and hold elections.

>Who are the parties I can vote for?
Alternative for /Bant/ (AfB) - Far right Populist
/Bant/ Anime & Shitposting Party (BASP) - Weeb
/Bant/ Heathen Party (BHP) - Pagan
Holy /Bant/ Theocratic Order - Theocratic (Anime and Cult of Kek to be specific)
Happy Day Remberers (HDR) - Comfyist
Manx Anti-Weeb Movement (MAWM) - Manx Nationalist
National /Bant/er Union (NBU) - National Socialist
Shitposter's Liberation Front (SLF) - Anarcho Capitalist
United Monarchist League (UML) - Centre right monarchist

The election runs for 24 hours until 9pm GMT tommorow.
http://kwiksurveys com/p/PzoMI1IG?qid=766995

>I want to join!
Just ask in the thread and one of us will give you an invite!

>autistic discord faggots
Yes. Yes we are.