[168 / 72 / ?]
Quoted By: >>3299560 >>3300245 >>3307203 >>3331142 >>3345507 >>3365546 >>3365899 >>3366861 >>3369773 >>3371738 >>3377113 >>3381260 >>3393997 >>3396689 >>3400354 >>3410615 >>3412022 >>3412630
Welcome to /bant/'s portal to https://iichan.hk/, a Russian image board similar to our own whom we recently met browsing through their images! Go inside and take something back from it and enjoy a brand new experience in the process! (Google translate works wonders getting the general gist of what they're saying down.)
To those from the /bant/ thread on iichan, Дoбpo пoжaлoвaть в /bant/! He cтecняйтecь coхpaнять любыe изoбpaжeния, кoтopыe вы нaйдeтe!
Today's topic: figure out a better greeting for Russians coming from iichan. Also maybe organize something both boards can work on together.
To those from the /bant/ thread on iichan, Дoбpo пoжaлoвaть в /bant/! He cтecняйтecь coхpaнять любыe изoбpaжeния, кoтopыe вы нaйдeтe!
Today's topic: figure out a better greeting for Russians coming from iichan. Also maybe organize something both boards can work on together.