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Tradecraft: The techniques, procedures, and technologies used in espionage. The trading or exchange of secret information.
Espionage: Spying or using spies to obtain information about the plans, activities, or History of a person or group.
Spy: To secretly watch a person or thing, to obtain information and/or convey it to someone else.
"Dead-Drop" (aka: 'Dead Letter Box') is when two or more individuals can communicate material such as items or information, in a location where neither have to meet. The location can be agreed upon in advance, as well as the signal that lets the other operative know when a drop has been made. But if the location or identity of at least one operative is known, then a 'Dead-Drop' can be made without either of them ever having met before. While also making it difficult to ascertain the senders position or identity. For example, a drone could be deployed and retrieved without the recipient being able to trace or follow it back to its starting point (Unless they too have a drone).