>>3317905In 1990 at age 20, I was hired to work on Ticketmaster's VAX operating system in
VAX assembly language while going to school. I was basically, an intern, but we
weren't called that. Peter Gadwa was a mentor. I worked there 1990-1996. Here
are my ASU Transcripts. ASU Course Catalog (See page 261)
In my career, I have been paid to program in VAX assembly, x86 assembly, 8051
assembly, 68000 assembly, PIC assembly and AvR assembly. In school, I took 5
courses that required assembly -- CSC226, CSC326 CSE421, CSE422 and CSE523.
Dr. David Pheanis was dean.
In about 1993, I got a 486 and was eager to try 32-bit mode, so I wrote a DOS
program in TASM that changed to protected mode and never returned to DOS.
Ticketmaster's OS was "VAXTMOS", so I called mine "Terry's Protected Mode OS,
TPMOS". I had 0xB8000 text mode working, and echoed keyboard to scrn. I had
simple multitasking and barely a MALLOC. I set it aside.
In 2003, I resurrected TPMOS and installed FreeDOS to launch it. I used Visual
Studio to edit my files when doing lots of editing, then booted FreeDOS, used
TASM to compile and test it. Back in those days, FreeDOS ran in real mode.
Today's FreeDOS is not real mode, it emulates with V8086 mode. DOSBox is not
real mode either.
I had started a company H.A.R.E., so I renamed TPMOS to HOPPY.
With-in a month of resurrecting the operating system in 2003, I faced the
question of how to handle the command line. I knew it must be the same as
whatever scripting language I invented. The only problem was, I hated Unix Bash
scripting. I could never remember it. As a regular C/C++ programmer, you don't
really use bash often enough to memorize it. I thought, "What if I just use
C/C++ for scripting!"
in real mode but changed to 32-bit mode, never returning to DOS.