>>3332121>Implying the Mother of States could ever compete.Do you even starch your trunks, Warmwinter?
Has anyone really been far even as dark as amber?
Le québec est le dieu du sirop d'érable.
Top States/Provinces Producer of Maple Syrup:
Province of Quebec, Canada: 7, 989,000 gallons harvested.
State of Vermont, USA: 890,000 gallons harvested.
Province of Ontario, Canada: 400,000 gallons harvested.
State of New York, USA: 312,000 gallons harvested.
State of Maine, USA: 310,000 gallons harvested.
Province of New Brunswick, Canada: 300,000 gallons harvested.
State of Wisconsin, USA: 117,000 gallons harvested.
State of New Hampshire, USA: 87,000 gallons harvested.
State of Michigan, USA: 82, 000 gallons harvested.
State of Ohio, USA: 65,000 gallons harvested.
State of Pennsylvania, USA: 54,000 gallons harvested.
State of Massachusetts, USA: 29,000 gallons harvested.
Province of Nova Scotia, Canada: 22, 000 gallons harvested.
State of Connecticut, USA: 9,000 gallons harvested.
Pic related: The Mother of Presidents is missing on the tree sap world stage as Virginians hang their head in high priced syrup shame. It must be a rarity... like an American on the internet.