Does she suck your dick on demand? To completion if left at it?
Does she seek to pleasure you without being told to?
If you attempt anal does she go along? Or resist?
When you mention being hungry does she volunteer ideas? Or does she bring you/order you food?
Does she have guy friends?
These are simple questions with a big insight into what kind of woman you trying to wife up. Because let’s be serious a girlfriend is just a wife in training. Unless you want to be a fuckboy in which case it shouldn’t matter other than is she hot.
If she doesn’t perform selfless sex acts aka sucking your dick then she is on some considerable level selfish as an individual, if she performs when asked without complaints or hesitations then she is a “submissive” woman which is a good basic starting point for a partner. If she does it on her own free will without prompt.....you either have won the girlfriend lottery or you have a slut.
As for Anal, if she allows you while complaining she is a good woman, without complaining. She is a “submissive” woman. If she actively encourages it.... once again either a really good or bad thing.
If you express the basic feelings of hunger or boredome or any sort of easily filled wants and she does nothing about it. You have a bad girlfriend. If she makes suggestions or comes up with ideas, it shows an acknowledgment but still not the best situation. If she attempts to fulfill your needs when expressed by herself. You have a good girlfriend you should hold on to this one. And lastly if she seeks to prevent boredom, hunger or basic needs AKA making/buying food even though you didnt say you were hungry, making plans for you both even though you didnt say you were bored. You have an ideal girlfriend
Of course this problaly doesn’t apply to everyone but it’s a good rule of a thumb.
A good girlfriend takes care of you.