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sir reginald ate a fucking turd, jerked off with it and fucking died.
Roger Rundfunk gobbles a floater, jerks with a poo fragment, and fucking died.
Ripcord RootyTooty bites a fecal lump, cream pies a shit loaf, and fucking died.
RazzleDazzle swallows an anal whop, jelqs with a rump stump, and fucking died.
Reginald ate poop then came on some and fucking died.
Randy O'Handy chomps a loaf, yanks his diddle with a poop glob, and fucking died.
Red Rover Whistleblower gargles brown, goes to town, and fucking died.
Redge trimmer sledge hammer shits a plum, eats it, beats it, and fucking died.
Rob on the cob guzzles excrement, tugs his chubby with a gnarly shitball, and fucking died.
sir reginald ate a fucking turd on the dining room table, jerked off with it, and fucking died.
Officer Rope-Groper powers through a dung wad, yoinks his boink with it, and fucking died.