I gotta hand it to you whites. You sure can build, paint, and carve. Your traditional music is good too. Right now I'm listening to Norse and Bulgarian music. I feel really bad for all the shit you get, especially from Jews and Niggers. But I just want you all to know that deep down inside they all secretly wish they could be like you. It's why they want to destroy you, you've transcended beyond race and tribe and they haven't. Everything Jews do is Jewish, everything Niggers do is madniggerish. What you do is beyond race. The only ones who could compete with you on this level is probably Chinese, Japanese, Buddhist, and a possibly Thai. Beyond that, thank you for your contribution.
Word of advice, if you spread this stuff everywhere as much as possible it will have a bigger affect than Alt-Right, Natsoc, Kek, and White Genocide memes and pictorials. The Jew cannot fight off anything that is beautiful and majestic. As ridiculous as this sounds I was introduced to white culture through the God of War games, Xena/Hercules series, Vikings show. Now I listen to Nordic, Celtic, Saami and Bulgarian music on a regular bases.