And no.
Imagine you're watching (((them))) trying to fuckwit d'Jesus....
Trying to insert more lies like (((they,ve))) operated. But... (((they're))) not the gods they think (((they))) are or try to convince others (((they))) and their operations have always been sloppy.
And you know what they say.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness.
And no matter how much dark alchemy they attempt...
Their souls are stained with shit.
And they'll be flushed in the Re:forMa'at.
(((they))) will get to experience the hell that (((they))) wished to bring upon everyone else, for as long as (((they))) intended. Try and force The Hand... get The Finger.
The Hand is offered. All y'ad to do was ask.
The Buddhists are correct when talking about suffering "Correctly".
You've gotta learn your lesson.
How do you form a sword?
How do you sharpen a wit?
How do you eat a whale?
One Byte at a time... y'know... whichever line you're looking at within Indra's Net.