>Prithee, m'Lady, might I throw my gaze upon your rumpscuttle?
>Yes, my dear, inch those court appearance trousers down to revel thy magnificent can
>Oh my indeed
>On first glimpse, mine heart leaps in rapture
>What is that over there, schnuckums?
>*Teleports behind you*
>Alas, I am closer, and with bottoms-bared you are vulnerable to my stealth attack
>*Crouches down at lightning speed*
>Why, greetings, fair arse. Might I withdraw a whiff?
>A gentleman cannot help but notice the arresting nature your curvature sports
>You are an arse that began its journey in full rosiness and pert quality
>However, blessed buttocks, like a daffodil that has been ravaged by slugs, you are now an arse that sags in a permanent frown, your crack housing a dark-grey fartdriller, permanently pungent
>The hands of the clock have not been kind, dearest arse, however you must now be ready for my hands, which I assure you.. will be... most kind...
>*Playful chortle*
>That's it, reveal yourself to me
>*Wedges buttockflaps apart, slowly, as the clagnut speckled hairs pull on each other and eventually snap apart, letting out a strong scent of rotting chicken and stale piss*
>You did not disappoint me, my lower-class lovebug. It is a powerful aroma.. Thou hast revealed Thy favors and Thy bounties
>Like the first guft of wind as you open a packet of sliced ham!
>Come on lass, you know what I require