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If released today anew, the OT would be embraced, albeit assuming that George Lucas was at the wheel, and not the Disney's Covert Scanners of Mass-Consumer Patterns Dept. In '77 Lucas was able to bring Jewish actors under his wing, to weave a literally universal fable about family, loyalty, self-realization within an each-one-teach-one gospel. While OT had nods to Jews, just as it did Christianity (Yoda as rabbinical muppet) the OT didn't subvert the American public's traditionalism, demographics and political leanings. Yet Spielberg knew its potential.
The OT was not a corporate Trojan Horse to usher in a new age of Globalist Marxist Utopia! The NT is only this.
Lucas, like Churchill before him, was trying to create an olive branch among the stars between Gentiles and Jews, and there is poetry, a commendable peace accord, in the picaresque gentile hero Han Solo being played by a Jew. Lucas forged this olive branch in spirited imagination accessible to all. A singular vision whose every burst enlightened generations.
But now the power balance has shifted! The Jews run the show, in front/behind the camera, and behind our minds-eye as well, through the psycho-strategy spoken of. They see SW as another jewel in their crown, and have the sickening audacity to tarnish the SW legacy, while milking it for profit. They make Luke milk a juvenile creature, like crude Borscht Belt comedy, and wolfishly grin as gentile audiences are a titter with barnyard laughter. They are treating Luke as they treat Christ. A false white messiah. A dirty hippie. Sarah Silverman said "I'm glad the Jews did kill Christ, I hope they do it again!" She'll say the same about Luke.
Bob Iger and his Jew fleet are shelling their message on a deep metaphysical battle field: we killed your savior, and now we've killed your precious childhood amalgamation of him. Wat do? They've scorned the "creator" Lucas by killing the son "Luke." And normies eat it up.