I lived in Jp for 3 years while in the Navy. Granted I never had to do the whole business thing, but I picked up on plenty of jap customs so listen up faggot.
1. Practice your bow. Stand with feet together and arms straight down to your sides while bending slightly at the waist. DO NOT LOOK AT THE GUY YOUR BOWING TO, just look at the ground. Looking at simeone while bowing is very disrespectful.
2. Whatever you end up doing for this presentation make it thorough and polished. The Japs are like an ant hivemind and thrive off of cleanliness/neatness in everything they do.
3.As one anon stated before dress nice, but not flashy. Your typical suit and tie will do just fine. Just look professional.
4. Dont talk about fucking anime like some weeb unless the dude hiring you likes that shit and engages first.
5. If ANYTHING is given to you, take it with both hands while giving a slight respectful bow. Especially money and business cards.
6. Act like this shit is more important than your child being born. The japs take their work more serious than any other race of people ive ever seen. Even the fucks at mcdonalds over there will blow you away with how efficient they are. Like i said, they are the human equivalent of ants.
Finally, if all goes well, the japs LOVE drinking and cigars are also like gold to them. So maybe bring a box of decent ones for your new boss and go get wasted with them. Hope this helps.