>>3390482First some ground assumptions:
The traps themselves are first of all men.
To count as trap and not as tranny or shemale you would have to be "passable", i.e. difficult to differentiate from actual women.
Dicks are male bodyparts, exclusively so. Exceptions like hermaphrodites are an anomaly to the degree of confirming the rule and therefore will be left out of this discussion.
Men who like men sexually they are gay.
Men who exclusively like women are heterosexual.
Men who like both men and women sexually are "bi", this counts as a degree of gayness.
This does not change for "traps" i.e. weird men who like to pretend to be female by making themselves a (convincing) facsimile of a female. If the trap is exclusively interested sexually in women, he is not gay. Any other combination of sexual interests (trap on trap, trap on male, male on trap) is some degree of gay.
If you like a trap, a man, and you yourself are a man you are gay. Now the question only remains: To what degree? If you could suck that dick regardless of the attached facsimile of the feminine form you are max gay. If you only like traps but not men, but are still interested in the male part (the dick) of the trap you are medium gay. If you really only like traps because they are a convincing facsimile of the female form and thus hot "as a girl" you are only a little bit gay.
In conclusion, the gayness of traps themselves is determined by their own sexual preference. The gayness of one who likes traps sexually is on a greyscale but can never be "straight" since at the core of everything is two men having intercourse.
Since the question usually is phrased poorly, to clarify: the question if LIKING traps is gay, the most important aspect of the discussion, the answer is YES but to a degree determined by the particulars.