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ID:cS+byxiq No.3401195 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
"Grossman claims in his book On Killing that soldiers are faced with four options once they have entered into combat. These are:

Fight: as the name implies this is the standard that defines the soldiers role as actively trying to defeat the enemy by use of their training.

Flight: this option involves the combatant fleeing the engagement.

Posture: This action involves the soldier falsely showing active participation in combat. In actuality they are not being effective in deterring the enemy from success. This is a major point of concern for commanders as it is difficult to tell the difference between a soldier posturing or fighting.

Submit: Submission to the enemy during an engagement is a direct act of surrender. In the animal kingdom, this is used by lesser combatants to prevent them from being injured after they can ascertain the triviality of their battle."