[172 / 57 / ?]
ITT: /bant/ boss raid!
Oh no /bant/! The evil tumblr has sent a robot assassin to kill this new board before it manages to truly develop! The faint hum of a barely audible motor can be heard as its multi-bladed limb whirls menacingly. An unfortunate kangz thread is turned into the consistancy of chunky salsa.
Read the full rules here: http://drgchan.ddns.net
See game in-thread with this!: https://github.com/ihavenoface/dragonchan-userscript
Here's some info about this boss:
If your ID starts with a number you are a HEALER.
If your ID starts with a vowel you are a BARD.
If your ID starts with "Y","X","Z", a RANGER.
If your ID starts with a "/" or "+" you are a PALADIN.
If your ID ends with a "/" or "+" you are a DEATH KNIGHT.
If your ID starts AND ends with a "/" or "+" you are DRAGONBORN.
If your ID starts with "W","R","L","C" or "K" you are a WARLOCK.
Otherwise you are a KNIGHT
Your last 2 digits represent the damage you do.
If you roll under 11 you die. (your posts will no longer do damage). Every player the boss kills restores its health somewhat.
Oh no /bant/! The evil tumblr has sent a robot assassin to kill this new board before it manages to truly develop! The faint hum of a barely audible motor can be heard as its multi-bladed limb whirls menacingly. An unfortunate kangz thread is turned into the consistancy of chunky salsa.
Read the full rules here: http://drgchan.ddns.net
See game in-thread with this!: https://github.com/ihavenoface/dragonchan-userscript
Here's some info about this boss:
If your ID starts with a number you are a HEALER.
If your ID starts with a vowel you are a BARD.
If your ID starts with "Y","X","Z", a RANGER.
If your ID starts with a "/" or "+" you are a PALADIN.
If your ID ends with a "/" or "+" you are a DEATH KNIGHT.
If your ID starts AND ends with a "/" or "+" you are DRAGONBORN.
If your ID starts with "W","R","L","C" or "K" you are a WARLOCK.
Otherwise you are a KNIGHT
Your last 2 digits represent the damage you do.
If you roll under 11 you die. (your posts will no longer do damage). Every player the boss kills restores its health somewhat.