[3 / 2 / ?]

Quoted By: >>3415382
>be me
>17 yo kissless virgin
>go to private school for 11 years
>switch to public school
>first day get hit on by 6/10 grill
>find out later she's a ho
>invites me to birthday party
>realize I could get laid
>realize I'm not comfortable in my body
>fake that my dog is sick so I can skip the party so if in the off chance she wants to fuck me, I don't have to take my shirt off
>she's sad that my dog is sick
>plan works
>mfw I realize I cockblocked myself
>2 weeks later
>in class with sub
>She sits behind me
>wispers in my ear if I want to go somewhere else
>"Of course"
>she goes to sub and asks if we can leave
>he doesn't give a fuck
>leave room and go to art room cause no one's there
>she takes her shirt off
>"wanna touch anon?"
>starts to take my shirt off
>say I need to use bathroom
>stay there rest of class
>avoid her for rest of eternity
>tell my friends I got laid
>mfw they believe it
>mfw I cockblocked myself twice
>mfw I'm fucking stupid
>17 yo kissless virgin
>go to private school for 11 years
>switch to public school
>first day get hit on by 6/10 grill
>find out later she's a ho
>invites me to birthday party
>realize I could get laid
>realize I'm not comfortable in my body
>fake that my dog is sick so I can skip the party so if in the off chance she wants to fuck me, I don't have to take my shirt off
>she's sad that my dog is sick
>plan works
>mfw I realize I cockblocked myself
>2 weeks later
>in class with sub
>She sits behind me
>wispers in my ear if I want to go somewhere else
>"Of course"
>she goes to sub and asks if we can leave
>he doesn't give a fuck
>leave room and go to art room cause no one's there
>she takes her shirt off
>"wanna touch anon?"
>starts to take my shirt off
>say I need to use bathroom
>stay there rest of class
>avoid her for rest of eternity
>tell my friends I got laid
>mfw they believe it
>mfw I cockblocked myself twice
>mfw I'm fucking stupid