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ID:hwFLCNF7 No.3421911 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
How To Troll: A Succinct Beginner's Guide
The objective of trolling is to elicit an impassioned response from a target or audience.

Some methods of achieving this include:

-Smear campaigns across diverse media outlets
-Mis-attributing quotes of the target
-'Flooding' or 'raiding' specific channels with inflammatory spam
-Assuming multiple identities/aliases/pseudonyms to create a smoke trail
-Feigning innocence and ignorance when called out on your trolling (eg. "huh? me?? a troll? sorry bros, I was just having fun!")
-Create memes, songs, blogs, and diatribes which slander the target
-Wherever possible, use scientific evidence to bolster your claims
-Use full names wherever possible, so as to damage the target's personal & professional reputation
-Solicit support from fellow trolls w/ time on their hands and a morbid sense of humor
-Parody popular media in a politically-incorrect manner
-Call for offline action

You may have heard the mantra 'don't feed the trolls'. People are likely to fight back at first, I find, and then ignore you outright. Don't be discouraged and don't let them win.

If one tactic doesn't work, take a break, 'go dark' for awhile, and then re-appear shortly after with a new strategy/identity.

Don't let anyone tell you that your efforts are in vain or indicative of a person with no life; trolling can be political in nature, as it can mobilize people by playing on their emotions.

Read up on Applied Psychology. I recommend books such as 'The Dynamics of Persuasion', 'The Art of The Deal', and even 'Anonymous: Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy' (details how Anons have used trolling to affect real-life change in the world).

"I started this trolling shit; Is this the motherfuckin' thanks I get?"
Not looking for (You's) just imparting some tips to the n00bs.